Saturday, March 19, 2016

Handicapped Dogs

[A Giveaway Niche]
In this post, i will give you guys a profitable niche and show you how to create a Fb Ad related to that.
The Niche is : Handicapped Dogs
the item to promote : Dog wheelchairs
But there are many products to promote. See the screenshots for that.
You don't have to stick only with Amazon program . there are many big companies that provide affiliate / dropshipping programs.
For his example, i will target the audiences below and i will explain why :
Audience Details:
Location: United States
Age: 35 - 50 (According to Fb Insights Tool)
Gender: Female (80%-88% of the fans are women)
People Who Match: Interests: Animal Wellness Magazine
And Must Also Match: Interests: Dogs
For the interests, i found 5 magazines that talk about Pets health. I will give you 2 and let you search for the rest.
Animal Wellness Magazine
Modern Dog magazine
And i added a filter to have only the dog's owners.
Tip: there are many dog breeds and you can go crazy about that by changing only the Ad Copy and the image to match the dog breed:
German Shepherd
here is the complete list of the dog breeds:
Below is the Ad copy focusing about a pain point : Sympathy about the dog

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