If you're just starting out, without money, but tons of time, what would be your first few steps in generating traffic? And say you don't want to wait 4290 months for Google to rank. grin emoticon
Here's what I've been doing for my own site but it requires
1. time (1-2 hours)
2. writing (write what you're promoting and try to customize your message to each hub (social ,etc etc)
3. consistency (it's repetitive but it pays off)
1. time (1-2 hours)
2. writing (write what you're promoting and try to customize your message to each hub (social ,etc etc)
3. consistency (it's repetitive but it pays off)
So you could just follow Mohammed's case studies on Facebook paid traffic ads, or you can try this. This is for you if you like getting out there and promoting your shit.
Be aware though, the more you put yourself out there, the more negativity you'll encounter. One guy commented "You're full of shit! Your post is full of affiliate links"
Well, we're not doing this for charity. Right? RIGHT?! So you gotta sell something, somewhere. (That should be accomplished with your website/content/goal).
So first thing...
1. Join Google + communities
search your niche keywords and join every community, at least the ones with tons of members in them.
search your niche keywords and join every community, at least the ones with tons of members in them.
2. Join Facebook Groups
search your keywords and join the group. Be aware, you may not be able to promote your stuff straightforwardly.
search your keywords and join the group. Be aware, you may not be able to promote your stuff straightforwardly.
3. Forums.
You need to be sort of established. Good luck generating traffic with one post in your name (your name info displays how many posts you've made). At least put the link or your website in your signature with a CTA (call to action)
You need to be sort of established. Good luck generating traffic with one post in your name (your name info displays how many posts you've made). At least put the link or your website in your signature with a CTA (call to action)
4. Twitter
Go to buzzsumo, search your niche keywords, click "View sharers" and those sharers are influencers who WANT to share your content.
Go to buzzsumo, search your niche keywords, click "View sharers" and those sharers are influencers who WANT to share your content.
Just let them know by mentioning them in a tweet with your URL or email them.
5. wherever else. Anywhere, everywhere. Including pinterest
But on pinterest you want to have a image that you know will be highly pinned. Search for your niche keywords and you'll find pins that are highly pinned in your niche.
But on pinterest you want to have a image that you know will be highly pinned. Search for your niche keywords and you'll find pins that are highly pinned in your niche.
So time for action:
1. Open all the communities (new tabs) you've joined on G+, write up your post,
1. Open all the communities (new tabs) you've joined on G+, write up your post,
(eg. if you're promoting a post for 12 tips for niche SEO, then you write "I hate SEO, don't you? Things don't have to be as complicated as it may seem. Find out what 12 tips you can use right now to boost your website rankings + URL to website)
Paste in every community and send it out! Repeat for every community. Wait for the featured image of your URL to load up.
2. Do the same for the facebook groups, but make sure you are allowed to promote stuff or you'll get kicked.
Repeat for all the FB groups. Sometimes you just need to post the URL and your solution to questions that are being asked rather than making a whole new promotion post.
3. Get active and paste in your signature or in threads where needed.
4+5. Like I said above.
You may need to find questions that are asked by other members and answer them with your full solution with your post included (subtly).
You may need to find questions that are asked by other members and answer them with your full solution with your post included (subtly).
If you don't have a catchy featured image then you won't get clicks. Go to pinterest and search your niche keywords ( in this case, SEO tips) and get inspired by the HIGHLY pinned / active pins, sort of like what Mohammed does.
This goes to your headline as well, if it's not socially attractive, good luck with getting clicks.
Look at what works, you don't need to reinvent the wheel.
Be human, as in use your BRAIN. No one is going to click on a "make money NOW!!!". Let them know you're doing manual work and have worked super hard to show off your hard work
You need high quality* content:
*High quality: Content that is easily readable, engagable, has a clear CTA, solves the problem of the reader and follows through with the promise of the headline.
Doesn't need to be 4209 words long, just needs to SOLVE a problem or fulfill the promise the headline.
Also be sure you've got some sort of email marketing going so you can capture those who landed on your page, so you can get them back, email them, and they'll keep returning if you give them a reason to.
I didn't expect this post to be this long. I thought I was just going to write some simple tips. grin emoticon
Guess this is my late birthday gift to you all!!
I learned this from Stuarts 31 ways to get traffic checklist nearly a year ago, and it's still actionable today.
Les than an hour of promotion (in FB/g+ groups that I've got no reputation in, nothing at all) got me:
1.7 x more visitors
+10 subscribers (have got 1 simple lead optin box that doesn't really solve a problem, I usually get +3 subscribers daily :P)
10% or more affiliate sales than any other day)
+10 subscribers (have got 1 simple lead optin box that doesn't really solve a problem, I usually get +3 subscribers daily :P)
10% or more affiliate sales than any other day)
Should mention that since this was done on the weekend (Saturday), the traffic isn't as great as the weekdays.